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Optik Oldschool

35mm Black & White Dev

35mm Black & White Dev

Regular price €6,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €6,00 EUR
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Taxes included.
Push Processing
Negative handling

Send your films here:

Optik Oldschool
Augustastr. 14
40477 Düsseldorf

Black & White film processing

We develop semi-manually using rotary processors with fresh chemicals, every time!

Scan sizes:
Fuji Frontier - 5444x3649px
Noritsu HS1800 - 6774x4492px

These are the biggest sizes these scanners can produce. They offer great flexibility to edit, to post in social media and print big! If you have a favourite scanner, please let us know. Otherwise we'll make the choice for you.

Push Processing: +0,50€ per roll.
Please indicate on the canister if pushing is needed. For black & white we handle up to +3 pushing.

Lab turnaround time varies from 5 to 7 working days.

Which B&W developer do you use?
We develop B&W film using Kodak XTOL or Ilford ID-11 at a 1+1 dilution. We may also use Adox XT-3 (as an alternative to XTOL). We use distilled water exclusively.

What happens to my negatives?
We offer to cut and sleeve your negatives in pergamine archival files at an extra cost of 0,50€ per roll. Alternatively we will archive the uncut rolls safely for up to one year.

Once your order is fully processed, you can pick up the negatives from the lab in person or have them mailed back to you.

How can I access my scans?
Scans are being delivered in JPG format as a ZIP archive (1 per roll) to download. The name of the archive features the roll ID, scanner type and film name.

Download links are kept active for at least 4 weeks.

Prices are per roll.

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